Auckland Central Library, 44/46 Lorne Street
Collaborative repair café held by Repair Café Aotearoa NZ and Auckland Central City Library as part of Auckland Climate Festival 2023!
Collaborative repair café held by Repair Café Aotearoa NZ and Auckland Central City Library- as part of Auckland Climate Festival 2023! #ACF23
Bring along your mending, broken electrical appliances, electronics (for assessment and advice only), and expect to learn some skills to take home.
One item at one time to give everyone the opportunity to meet with one of our awesome volunteer repairers.
Koha is appreciated. Thank you.
3-D Printing introductory workshop - Time tbc.
Bokashi composting workshop - 2:30 - 3:15pm - Registrations essential (for supply of buckets) -
Learn more about this FREE Bokashi workshop in the discussion!
We respectfully ask that all participants planning to attend this in-person event are healthy and well. Should you be unable to attend due to illness or isolation, we request that you stay home and get well Thank you.