Every Thursday throughout June, the Ellen Melville Centre is celebrating the start of Matariki, with a selection of unique events that share with you taonga (treasures) from within Te Ao Māori.
On the 13th of June we invite you to experience the healing practices within Te Ao Māori, with free Mirimiri (Māori massage) treatments and Oro (sound) healing sessions.
Book in for a Mirirmiri session with traditional healers, led by Wai-Sharne Raynes (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei) and Tracey Leigh Te Paa, as they open their practice to the community to experience the restorative healing of Mirimiri.
Sessions are free and open to the public, to book a 30min treatment please register at the Ellen Melville Centre or email ellenmelvillecentre@aklc.govt.nz
Be immersed in the music from this whenua (land) with Taonga Puoro practitioner Komako Silver (Ngā Pakahi, Ngā Puhi) bringing alive the beautiful voices of traditional Māori instruments and their pūngao oro (sound energy) to release, relax and restore. Join a session at 6pm or 7pm.